Florida's Premier
Lightweight Concrete Roofing Experts
Latite the original roofing contractor
Latite is the original roofing contractor who decided it was time for roofers to begin pouring Lightweight Concrete Roof decks for themselves. Why? Because too many decks being installed did not meet the installation criteria required by the primary roof membrane manufacturers. This left people trying to point the finger at one another and we saw one way to put an end to it, and that was to do it ourselves. Today, Latite is one of the largest applicators for both Celcore and Mealrcrete who are the top of class in Lightweight Concrete Manufacturers.Southeast Florida
Proudly Serving
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Dade - Broward - Surrounding areas
SouthWest Florida
Fort Myers - Naples
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Collier - Lee - Charlotte - Hendry
West/Central Florida
Tampa - St. Pete
Proudly Serving
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Pasco - Hillsborough - Manatee - Sarasota
East Florida
Palm Beach - Treasure Coast
Proudly Serving
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Palm Beach - Martin